Sustainable Packaging: The Green Way

We are proud of the way we ship


Packaging that is fully recyclable without compromising performance or cost.

Packaging is an unavoidable part of everyday life. It protects products, preserves them, enhances them, displays important information, and allows for safe transportation. Therefore, a key consideration of good packaging design involves the generation of less waste following the end of its useful life, whilst still helping end-consumers to use it and the contained products efficiently.

Our packaging is 100% Recycled, Recyclable, Reusable and Biodegradable. When you receive an Ulterior product in our custom boxes, envelopes or black bags everything has been done to meet the best practice standards.

Because we believe in a green future and it is our responsibility making responsible choices from the production of the garment to when you receive it at home.

Be Sustainable, Be Concious #BeUlterior.


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